
Car Sales Accounting

David Keller - Accounting for the different types of car deals generated from your F&I programs is important if you want to completely understand your business operations and the resulting effective gross profits...

Advertising In The Real World

Rob Anderson - With television advertising, there are three main types of advertising campaigns. The first is branded by the manufacturer, these leads however have not decided to purchase from your dealership.

Don't Sell It If You Haven't Read It

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - Just as any good car salesperson will know the mechanical and performance specifications of the vehicles, the salesperson should know the characteristics, terms and conditions of the financing, leasing and related services.

"Yo-Yo" Deals In Finance: I Don't Think So

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - The relative rarity of these transactions doesn’t faze the NCLC, or, for that matter, the press. They know a good, catchy (and loaded) headline phrase when they hear one. So, they call every conditional delivery transaction...

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