
Good Lawyering Pays Off in Defense of GAP

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - Lawyers who make their livings suing car dealers have latched onto yet another way to get their hands into dealers’ wallets. A slew of class action lawsuits around the country allege claims against dealers when...

Wise Decisions This Year

Harlene Doane - The decisions to slash personnel may have the biggest long-term impact on many dealerships and it might not create the anticipated effect. In the short run, it does reduce expenses ...

Those Pesky Loan Covenants

Dave Keller - If you did not have a good year, your lender’s collateral has probably decreased and their risk has likely increased. When risk increases, banks become nervous. Most bank loan agreements have loan covenants that customers (you) must ...

Cover Your Assets

Scott Dreisbach - I have seen many stores try to save (through expenses) themselves into a profit. This is a slippery slope and if expense restructuring isn’t thought through very carefully, many of the wrong things can be put on the chopping block. One of...

Why Work Twice as Hard For Twice as Much

Rob Anderson - During this unprecedented time in economic history, we all need to ask ourselves if we’re willing to work twice as hard for half as much. Times are tough; times are uncertain. In fact, the only certainty is that things will only get...

Your Annual Review - Are You Ready For 2009

David Keller - Take a look at your expenses. Compare your expenses against other 20 group members. Compare them to industry averages. If some are high compared to the industry guides, review the detail of the expense accounts to see if you can reduce...

Walk the Talk in Inventory Management

Harlene Doane - Dealers are talking about inventory management in record numbers, but are they walking that talk? Most know inventory management is the smart thing to do. Having the right inventory in stock has proven to increase gross profits and...

Manage Your Inventory for Profits Today

Mark O'Neil - Take a minute and think about the most successful retailers across the country, operators such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot or Best Buy. One thing they have in common is they don’t leave much to chance; they use technology and tools (not instinct and yellow pads) to help turn their inventory rapidly and boost profits.

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