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Automotive Consumers Look Online for Efficient, Rich Shopping Experience

Rob Chesney - Consumers in the market for a used vehicle increasingly turn to the Internet first for research and price-comparison shopping. Automotive consumers are now demanding convenience and efficiency when it comes to their online shopping... experience.

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Innovative Inventory: Make It Clear and Creative

Jason Ezell - Research from both J.D. Power and Associates and Jupiter Research reveals that customers are not particularly concerned with the absolute lowest price...

Inventory Prediction Programs: Can They Be Used in the Special Finance Department?

Greg Goebel - The inventory prediction programs are based on many things. Book and auction values are part of the equation. Book values have always just been guides. Sharp used car managers and buyers use ...

What’s Your Dumpster Worth? The Cost of Mishandling Personal Information

Tom Hudson - The FTC's Disposal Rule requires companies to dispose of credit reports and information from credit reports in a safe and appropriate manner...

What Should My Cost Per Sale Be? The Flaw in Calculating Advertising Cost Per Sale

Rob Anderson - You may find out that 60 percent of your business is generated by repeat, drive-by and referrals. If you are in a great location, this may be the case ...

Choosing a Dealership Web Site & Host: The Foundation of Your Internet Marketing Plan

Craig Criswell - The two most important elements to strive for when getting your Web site to optimum performance are the uniqueness of the site and the groundwork established prior to building the site for search engine optimization...

Loyalty v. Fidelity

Mauricio Espinosa - Do customers and prospects identify your company by your loyalty program, or do they identify your company by your Vision, Mission, Passion (VMPTM)?

The Well-Trained Professional: Increase Profits By Arming Yourself With The Right Question At The Right Time

Becky Chernek - Well-trained sales personnel know that determining the payment budget of customers on the lot will not ensure their approval by the bank source. Many customers have been schooled to quote a much lower payment than the one they have in mind.

Parts and Accessory Sales Online: Know What and When To Sell Through Research

Rob Chesney - eBay Marketplace Research is an online tool that provides subscribers with transparency into the marketplace in order to gauge the sales performance of specific products and categories...

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Three Practical Ways Your Dealership Can Leverage SEO

Michael Teitelbaum - It’s a common misconception that SEO simply involves throwing keywords against the digital wall to see what sticks. In reality, this tactic could hamper your site’s SEO effectiveness...

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