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One Extraordinary Act Per Day

Ryan Linnehan - There are many ways to create value, and we have talked in the past about some ideas that could be included in a “Value Package” that would be presented to our customers in an attempt to...

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Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They Aren’t Following You

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq - If you are a dealer, you may take some comfort from the fact that your customers seldom get upset enough to haul you into court. That comfort disappears, though, when you find out that your customers are being encouraged to sue you...

Best Practices for Developing Your Red Flags Rule Program

Mark O'Neil - Compliance with the new Rule is mandatory by Nov. 1, 2008. Your program must be appropriate to the size and complexity of your dealership and the nature and scope of your activities, and your board of directors must approve the initial program.

The Lack of Consistent Accountability

Harlene Doane - Dealers, frustrated with the results in the BDC, are trying to solve what they believe is a management problem. However, the root of the problem may be much deeper. The problem lies in ...

It’s Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry: The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - The truncation and expiration date parts of the FACTA legislation turned out to be the worst sort of "gotcha" legislation...

Business Development Centers Can Maximize Service Appointments

Don Reed - One very effective way to correct this is to send all incoming service calls to a business development center (BDC). Properly trained BDC personnel can provide a multitude of services that will increase owner retention...

Building a Web Site That Lasts a Lifetime

Rob Mudd - A point of caution: don’t be misled by the word “interactive.” If that interactivity is not shored-up by good retail messaging, all you will have at the end of the day are a lot of useless “cookie” crumbles. It’s not about the toys, but the ...

New Trends in Ad Spends: Make the Most of Your Money

Jason Ezell - I’ll bet that even in these slower times, more leads come through your Web site than through your front door. I’ll also wager that there are, in most cases, far more people visiting or “driving by” your Web site than there are...

Million-Dollar Attitude

Jim Jackson - My dictionary states a “personal view of something, an opinion or general feeling about something.” It does not state that it is good or bad, just an opinion about something. So, when and how does it become positive or negative?

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A Tale of Two Economies: How Smart Marketing Can Help your Dealership Thrive, Not Just Survive, During Difficult Times

Sarah Mooneyhan - Take a closer look at where you are spending your marketing dollars. Review your marketing key performance indicators for each lead source, such as lead-to-sales conversion rate and cost per sale ...

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