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Black Book

Black Book: Weekly Market Report

Eleven of the 13 truck segments reported increases last week.

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Weekly Market Report: Black Book

The used retail active listing volume index reverted back to one at the start of 2023. Currently, the index sits at 0.95 points.

Black Book: Weekly Market Report

The market continues to outperform what's traditionally seen this time of year, with the weekly rate of gain taking us back to 2021.

Black Book: Weekly Market Report

The market continued to experience growth last week, with gains far exceeding what is typically seen this time of year.

Black Book: Weekly Market Report

Used-retail active listing volume index index sits at 0.99 points.

Black Book: Weekly Market Report

The first week of March started off as expected with sales rates continuing to increase across the country.

Black Book: Weekly Market Report

Now in week three of February, we continue to see the wholesale market improving.

Black Book: Weekly Market Report

The reduction in weekly depreciation that started a couple of weeks ago continued again last week, with the market reporting the lowest overall depreciation we have seen since the end of June 2022.

Black Book: Weekly Market Report

Early signs of a potential Spring bump in the market are starting to emerge with the Sporty Car segment reporting an increase for the second consecutive week.

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Black Book: Weekly Market Update

Last week, wholesale price declines lessened, coming in at a level on par with last July (apart from the weeks around Thanksgiving and Christmas when volume and conversions were down), before the declines began to accelerate for Q3 and Q4.

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