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Manage Your Inventory for Profits Today

Mark O'Neil - Take a minute and think about the most successful retailers across the country, operators such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot or Best Buy. One thing they have in common is they don’t leave much to chance; they use technology and tools (not instinct and yellow pads) to help turn their inventory rapidly and boost profits.

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How to Spend Your Internet Marketing Budget

Jim Rucker - Dealerships are starting to realize that they get more bang for their buck through Internet marketing and are cutting into their television and radio budgets and redirecting the funds towards driving Internet leads ...

Choosing Your Comfort Zone

Jim Jackson - We all want comfort and safety, but sometimes that comfort zone can actually hold us back. If we look at our lives and make a choice to change something, it involves stepping out of our comfort zone. Changing things will take us out of that familiar place, into something new. That’s a little scary. Depending on what it is, that might be very scary.

Bring Online Advertising Into Focus with Proper Marketing Support

Daymond Decker - Are you struggling with the transition to digital advertising activities due to lack of time, staff focus or obvious understanding of what to do? ...

Ideal Auto Renews Commitment

As anyone who has dealt with special finance knows, getting a special finance department successfully off the ground can be a daunting task. Throughout 2009, Special Finance Insider will follow one dealership’s attempt to do just that.

Online Video - Here it Comes

Raul Vazquez - Online video is here! ComScore measures more than 11.5 billion online videos that are being viewed each month.

Why Your Advertising Isn't Working

Brett Boatwright - With today’s troubled economy negatively impacting almost every dealership across the country and the ink on monthly financial statements turning from black to blood-red, why do most owners and upper management teams advertise the same way they did five, 10 and even 25 years ago?

Focus Inc - Dedicated to the Dealer

While the credit markets have tightened, it’s important that consumers realize they can still get approved for an auto loan. Focus can help improve consumer confidence with its direct-response marketing campaigns broadcast via infomercials.

Here's to Fresh Beginnings

Marla Belson - Clank—I could hear the heavy sound of the dead bolt locking the front door after the last customer of 2008 drove off. As the handful of us sat watching the taillights cross the curb, I thought the showroom windows would fog up from everyone letting out a collective sigh of relief.

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Curry Auto Center Expands its Lineup

John Carroll - “When I was approached to consider purchasing the Chevrolet franchise to add to my existing GM lineup,” said Curry, “I was excited about the opportunity because it was just that, an opportunity. By adding Chevrolet, our dealership became a ...

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