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4 Tips for Driving PVR in Uncertain Times

All auto dealers want more F&I PVR, but making meaningful improvement requires a comprehensive plan with these four pillars.

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COVID-19 Markets Updates

Black Book recently published an update to their COVID-19 Markets Updates, which includes these highlights from the last week: wholesale prices, retail listing prices, wholesale sales volume, and automotive loans.

Dealership Re-Opening: Best Practices for Engaging the COVID-19 Shopper

Every dealership is re-opening to a new reality with a changed shopper. Creating a strategy that adapts to the needs of your customers will shorten the time it will take for your dealership to recover.

F&I in a Post-COVID-19 World

The last few months have been strange — we aren’t sure what next week will look like, and many of the goals for 2020 are in question because our ability to earn money has been compromised. So, the quicker we can adapt, the better opportunity we will have for success in the future.

Best Practices in Credit Reporting Coding In Disaster Scenarios

Expert shares important credit reporting resources and guidelines to help industry professionals navigate through this unprecedented climate.

Where F&I Can Help Increase Successful Contactless Auto Transactions

Contactless transactions are, at least for the near future, priority one in the transactions playbook for dealers, and F&I must play a leading role in helping educate people online during every phase of the sale.

Black Book: COVID-19 Markets Updates

Black Book's latest COVID-19 Market Update includes: current wholesale prices & price trends, used wholesale price trends & projections, a look at the retail vertical, new vehicle sales outlook, and used vehicle supply projections.

Dealer’s Cars Become Wi-Fi Hotspots for Remote Learning

Art Schaller’s drivers rotate the cars with the Wi-Fi equipment into neighborhoods with students that need internet. The cars have signs that tell residents their purpose.

Black Book Used Vehicle Retention Index Increases 9.1 Points in June

June saw the Index return to pre-COVID levels.

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COVID-19 Market Update

Black Book recently published an update to their COVID-19 Market Updates, which includes: current wholesale prices & price trends, used wholesale price trends & projections, a look at the retail vertical, new vehicle sales outlook, and used vehicle supply projections.

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