
How BIG Is Hispanic Buying Power

Mauricio Espinosa - The Selig Center of Economic Growth estimates that Hispanic buying power will reach $863.1 billion in 2007. An 8.1 percent increase in buying power over 2006. This information does affect your dealership, but how?

There's Gold In Them Thar' Databases

Ryan Linnehan - I told them we were borrowing a term from the insurance industry and this was their “Book of Business” for which they were responsible. I encouraged them to go through every name in their book and they would find tons of gold nuggets...

Build An Electronic Brand On The Web

Rob Anderson - Twenty-five percent of prospects would never pick up a phone to give us information, but they’ll gladly get online and provide whatever information we ask for. This is proof positive that the Internet is a powerful tool for ...

Where Is My Net Worth?

David Keller - Let’s discuss your dealership’s net worth. Do you have any? If so, how much is it? Most dealers don’t even look at their change in net worth from month to month or year to year...

Your Best Strategy in 2007 is Your Forecast

Mauricio Espinosa - Control of your sales force is paramount. More and more salespeople are “doing their own thing.” It troubles me when I witness that in an operation. Regardless of how good they are, your sales staff cannot “do their own thing.”

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