
Inside Job: Special Report on Embezzlement

Pictured above are some people accused of embezzling from car dealers in the past five years, including (1) Ashley Coffey and (2) Patricia K. Smith.

Embezzlement leaves a black mark on the industry and can be devastating to the affected dealership. But there are only so many staffers with access to accounting records, and most embezzlers fit a known profile. So why does each case seem to take dealers by surprise?

Value Trumps Price

Neither you nor your customers should have to choose between price and value. Marketing ace says the solution lies in an effective demonstration of the vehicle and your dealership.

Locked Out: Dealers Shunning Businesses

Car dealers tend to stick together when it comes to opposing any new business that poses a threat to the industry’s core foundation. But an FTC investigation has auto retailers questioning what the limits are when it comes to standing their ground.

Stik'in It to Fake Reviews Co-founder Jay Gierak’s Jay Gierak sits down with Auto Dealer Monthly to discuss how his online review site builds authenticity for businesses and consumers by backing reviews with Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.

Beware the Future

While it’s unwise to get stuck in a bygone era, ‘Da Man’ reminds us all that exciting predictions for the future don’t always pan out.

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