MBPI introduces Total Loss Care as an addition to their vast selection of products. - Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

MBPI introduces Total Loss Care as an addition to their vast selection of products.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay 

MBPI (Mechanical Breakdown Protection, Inc.), a provider of F&I products for the automotive industry, introduces Total Loss Care as an addition to their vast selection of products. Total Loss Care was created to protect consumers from an unexpected total loss by assisting with a down payment and other costs associated with purchasing a replacement vehicle. Providing this option to buyers provides them with peace of mind knowing they are securing a down payment allowance in advance in case there is a total loss.

Total Loss Care does not just provide benefits to the buyer, but it also helps dealerships. If a buyer knows they have down payment allowance with your dealership, they are more likely to return to purchase their next vehicle. The allowance helps create lifelong customers that see value in the dealership.

Total Loss Care features include:

  • Up to $5,000 Total Loss benefit towards the purchase of a replacement vehicle
  • 24 to 84-month terms available
  • Covers negative equity with or without a loan
  • 12 month “Why Buy Here” program
  • Benefits are paid directly to the dealership with the purchase of a vehicle
  • Eligible for reinsurance participation in conjunction with other products

Contact MBPI at 800-325-7484 for information on Total Loss Care or visit https://www.mbpnetwork.com/businesses/product/total-loss-care.

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